As the technology of microprocessor unit becomes more advanced and much further, the development and cost effectivity of permanent magnet manufacturing technology for servo motor and high power and high performance semiconductor power devices is improved continuously. Therefore, AC servo motor and AC servo control system have become the basic techniques for accomplishing automation control technology in current industry field. Delta servo system is an omnibearing integrated servo system which is based on Delta's strength in industrial and electronic technology and developed for different customers' requirements of various application machine tools. All ASDA series servo drives are provided with a superior digital signal processor (DSP) which represents a high-speed performance of the control circuit loop. Besides, the other features of Delta ASDA series, including gain tuning, smooth motor operation and software analysis / monitor function, also provide high-speed and high-precision motion control for a wide range of industrial automation applications.
High-resolution encoder with 17-bit (160,000 p/rev) is equipped as a standard feature which satisfies the application needs of high precision positioning control and stable rotation at low speed.
Satisfy High Precision Positioning Requirements
Offer Easy-To-Install Solution for Simple Start-Up
Reduce Maintenance and Wiring Cost for Versatile Operation