The accessories of FATEK HMI include programming cable, screen protector sheet, name plate, etc. The following table shows the specifications of this equipment.


Item Name Model Specifications
Nameplate P5N​P043 Nameplate for Px043S/N
P5NP070 Nameplate for Px070S/N/N1/VS
P5NP102 Nameplate for Px102S/N/N1/VS
P5NP150 Nameplate for P5150NH
Screen protector HMSP043 Screen protector for Px043S/N
HMSP070 Screen protector for Px070S/N/N1/VS
HMSP102 Screen protector for Px102S/N/N1/VS
USB 1.8m download cable USBA-MINIB-180 1.8m USB mini B type to USB A type download cable
Communication Cable FBs-232P0-9FR-200 Mini-DIN 4M to DB9F 90°communication cable, (FBs main unit Port 0 RS232 connect to DB9M), Length 200cm